Showing Tag: " publicity" (Show all posts)

Dear Author

Posted by William S. Peters, Sr. on Monday, March 11, 2013, In : Book Marketing 

Dear Author,


Are you employing all the known possibilities and resources you have at your fingertip[s to get the notoriety your Cherished Work deserves ? Are you sitting, waiting for that “Knock on the Door”; “Phone Call” or “E Mail” informing you that you have won the Publisher Clearing House Free trip to Wealth and Fame ? . .  .Yeah, me too. But in the mean time perhaps we can assist the World in coming to understand and accept that we have something to Say and Share with ...

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Publicity Costs . . . make the Investment

Posted by William S. Peters, Sr. on Saturday, January 12, 2013, In : Book Marketing 

Publicity Costs . . . make the Investment

All Artists, whether you are a Writer, Musician  vie to have their creativity embraced . . . to some degree. For this a Publicity Campaign is required. There are 2 basic options as to how one may approach this. Either you hire a Publicist, which can cost you up to several thousands of dollars . . .or you become one!

Most Creative Individuals are not prepared nor capable of taking off their garbs of inspiration and cloaking themselves with the...

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from the Press

This Blog is a collection of Articles focused on the Craft of Writing. We will focus on Information, Resources, Education and other aspects pertaining the Craft and the Industry of Writing and Publishing.