The Technocratic Aspects of Books

The Technocratic Aspects of Books
We live in such an Automated, Technocratic world these days, that we often lose touch and identity with what matters.
When i consider the “Business of Books” and Publishing i am simply amazed at the progress as well as the transition the industry has gone through. And yes, let us clearly understand that it is an “Industry”. Many moons ago when i first began writing, i can honestly say that i did not even know a writer personally, and i definitely had no “Author” influences to model my self after. In these modern times there is a myriad of Authors, Writer and Gurus who one can grab a seat and take a study to help clarify the path of their own. While there are many success stories, with the absence of verifiable statistics, i would feel absolutely comfortable to say that for every success story there are thousands of stories and experiences that have not been fully developed, stagnant or perhaps a work in progress.
In today’s Publishing Market, there seems to be a disconnect with many New Authors and the Seasoned as well. With the demise of the old Publishing Paradigm and the Rise of such entities as Amazon and other On-Line / Web integration, many of us have become very passive with our energies and how we go about making the Public at Large aware that we have produced and made available something viable to read.
Additionally with the Automated-Technocratic mindset, we have allowed ourselves to be disconnected from our potentials . . .unwillingly and unknowingly. With the advent of Electronic Transfers and Automated Shipping we have been removed from the equation and thus the intimacy that may be provided when we directly interface with our Fan Base and Readership.
Now for those of us still avidly seeking Appearances, Book Signings, Speaking Engagements and the such, this does not apply. KUDOS to you.
For me as a committed supporter of the Literary Industry and the wonderful people who take time to write and share their magnificent words i am encouraged. I say this, for there are many more People / Writers / Poets / Essayist / Novelist who have determined that they have something they wish to say and share with the world. Where my concern lies is that many times in such an intimate examination of our thoughts, feelings and insights, we become disconnected once we get to the stage of fruition and allow our selves to be removed from the equation. Now what am i saying here. As a Patron of the Arts, i buy to support the Arts themselves, but most importantly i gravitate to that Artist that distinguishes themselves and touches me in a relative way, whether it be their Music, Their Paintings, Sculptures or their Words. What i liked about the “Old” way of things and Book Signings and Showings, is i get to connect to the Creator of that particular piece of art i so admire.
One of the things we as Authors can employ to empower our connection with our market, respective Fan Bases and Readership is to take the time to SIGN OUR BOOKS and CDs and personalize them for our patrons. As a patron myself, this tends to make me feel a bit more committed to the Artist and important enough that they had the time to consider that my dollars i spent with them was meaningful. Most Authors these days do not want to be bothered as if the world owes them something. A little personalized gratitude does go a long way. Something we at Inner Child Press have been doing lately with our Authors is to make Custom Book Markers. We send them along with the Purchased Book. It may not seem like much, but trust me, for a small investment in our product, it does distinguish us from the “All So Rans”.
I did not write this article for the purposes of self promotion, but then again i did. In the final analysis, we as Artist / Writers must take “first Seat” responsibility for our own destiny. If my desire is to sell, then i must promote. . . if i want a committed following to be a part of my journey as i continue to produce new offerings, then i must be committed to my Believers and Followers and those who so graciously spend their money with me or our Company.
Let not this Technocratic world dictate our Humanity . . . let our Humanity dictate our course.
Thank You
William S. Peters, Sr.
William S. Peters, Sr. is the Managing Director of Inner Child Press. For more reading of Bill’s thoughts and other Articles, visit the Blog on the Web Site.
In : Book Marketing