World Peace. . .World Healing
Poetry Contest
Poetry Contest

Theme : World Peace . . . World Healing
Open Submission
1 Poem per Entrant
Submissions Open : 15 October 2011
Submissions Close : 31 December 2011
Intake Email : WorldPHPoetryContest2012@gmail
Top Prizes : 3
Free Publishing
Contracts : 3
Radio Show Featured Interviews of Winner
Everyday Connection : 1 Hour
Inner Child Radio : 2 Hours
Artist Lounge Radio / Web Magazine Feature
Others to be Announced
Web Site Features :
The New Writers
Inner Child Press
Inner Child NING
Everday ConnectionOthers to be Announced
Publishing includes the following
* Book Design
* Manuscript Layout & Formatting
* Cover Design : Standard
* Print Publish : Perfect Bond
* Color Cover / Black and White Interior
* ISBN Number Dedicated
* U.S. Copyright Office Registration
* Page Feature 90 Days on Inner Child Press Web Site
* Catalog Listing with Publisher
* 5 Personal Complimentary Copies of Published Book
* Amazon Listing
* Royalty Split : Author 75 % Publishing House 25 %
* 2 Year Exclusive Listing Rights Contract
All other submissions will be Published in an Anthology Title the Same as Theme for National Poetry Month in April 2012
Contest Hosted by “The New Writers”
Underwritten by Inner Child Press and Inner Child Enterprises
in association with
The Artists Lounge Jill Delbridge
Everyday Connection Rick O’Shields
Jean Victoria Norloch
Nlistic Souldiers Deon Ballard,
Leslie “mizz fab” Ryan
Jeffery A. Sanders, Sr. aka Cali
Poetically Spoken Groups Poetically Spoken
Adelle Conexxionx Adelle Banks - Wilson and Jade
HALOS 711 Arthur and Sandye
KW Productions Kelli and William
Jamie Bond Enterprises Jamie Bond
Moments in Chaos Leslie 'mizzfab' Ryan
A Poetic State of Mind Miguel Keaton
Speak Yo Piece Micheaux "UrbanVoodoo" Fortson
Keith Alan Hamilton Enterprises Keith Alan Hamilton
Karama Sadaka Enterprises Karama Sadaka
Blend Of Loving Energies Peter Egler aka Sineh
Heaven Speak Radio Loving LaFaye
Olive Branch Ministries Karen Lowe and Michelle
Written In Pain Enterprises Carlos 'Written in Pain' Levazarri
Creative Impowerment Charlotte 'Poetryizme' Lewis
* Speak Easy Café Nyla Alysia
* not yet confirmed

Submissions Guidelines
Poetry Contest Theme is : World Healing and
World Peace 2012
All Poems must strictly adhere to this as
Subject Matter.All Poetry Forms are Acceptable.
No Essays or Prose will be considered.
Please refrain from the following :
* Offensive Language
* Racism
* Classism
* Bigotry
* Gender Casting
* Any other Subject that does not promote World Healing
and World Peace or is Offensive or Derogatory
Submission Opens : 15 October 2010
Submissions Close : 31 December 2011
Submission Intake : WorldPHPoetryContest2012@gmail
Submit the Following :
JPEG Head Shot of Poet (no Avatars)
Bio : limited to 1 paragraph of 50 words or less
Contact information : Email and Telephone
* Poetry must be in Microsoft Word DOC format or RTF Only.
* Poem must also be Copy and Pasted in Email Body.
* Incomplete submissions WILL BE DISCARDED and not responded to !
* Make sure your work is Edited before submitting. Your work will be
judged on what you submit. We are not going to Edit your Submissions for you!