Alan W. Jankowski
Now Available
"I Often Wonder"
a collection of poetry and prose
Limited Time Special

Alan W. Jankowski, aka DirtyMartini is the award winning author of well over one hundred short stories, plays and poems. His stories have been published online, and in various journals including Oysters & Chocolate, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal, eFiction Magazine, Zouch, The Rusty Nail, and a few others he can't remember at the moment.
His poetry has more recently
become popular, and his 9-11 Tribute poem was used extensively in ceremonies
during the tenth anniversary of this tragic event...
When he is not writing, which is not often, his hobbies include music and camera collecting. He currently resides in New Jersey. He always appreciates feedback of any kind on his work, and can be reached by e-mail at:

$ 19.95
What can one say. Having the opportunity to come to know Alan W. Jankowski has been nothing short of a wonder. As a friend he is committed, which speaks to the character of the man. As a Writer / Author this same level of commitment to the integrity of his work shines through prolifically.
Alan is one of those souls who expresses himself effortlessly through his words. In reading his offerings of Poetry, Prose and Short Story you are transported directly to a place where you have an authentic perspective from his eyes. He is truly a master in capturing your attention.
Other perspectives of Alan’s personality does seep through his words. At times he is funny, while at other times very sobering in the messages he conveys. There is also a very strong sense of social commentary that lives within his writings.
In the pages of this book you too will be gifted with a unique insight to life that only Mr. Jankowski can emote in his own gifted way. What a treat, for not only the serious reader, but the recreational reader as well. I hope you enjoy his work as much as i have and do.