Caroline Nazareno-Gabis
Now Available

about the Author
Caroline ‘Ceri Naz’ Nazareno-Gabis, World Poetry Canada International Director to The Philippines, is a multi-awarded contemporary poet, editor, journalist, educator, peace and women’s advocate. Graduated cum laude with the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education, specialized in General Science at the Pangasinan State University-Bayambang, Ceri Naz has been a voracious researcher in various arts, science and literature. She volunteered in Richmond Multicultural Concerns Society, TELUS World Science, Vancouver Art Gallery, and Vancouver Aquarium.
She also experiments on deviantArt, mask- and shell-painting, and collecting artworks from the exquisite nature. Her photo-art, “koireography”, was exhibited in South Korea, with the theme “VISIBLE POETRY CONNECTING THE WORLD”. [...]