~Keith Alan Hamilton~
Hot off the Press

In this book I’ve taken Smartphone camera images of myself, digitally altered to sort of look like sketches, and used them to form an artistic collaboration with words. I season my words with a pinch of prose that at times materialize into expressions I call Artistic Sayings. The main spice I use in this creative mixture is a poetic essay style with an emergent spiritually philosophical flavor. This style can take on a more hybrid form called a Story Poem . Hopefully, through this collaborative brew, you as the observer and reader will more fully experience my opinions. Opinions on topics like mental conditions (depression, Bipolar), thoughts of suicide, empathic sensitivity and clairsentient as they relate to what I call MY ABNORMALITIES NORMALITY.
$ 21.95
Now Available

In this book I’ve taken Smartphone camera images of myself, digitally altered to look like sketches, and used them to form an artistic collaboration with words. I season my words with a pinch of prose that at times materialize into expressions I call Artistic Sayings. ~ Keith Alan Hamilton ~
Keith Alan Hamilton speaks about issues that both affect us all, the emotional, the environmental, political, historical ~ Helene Ruiz, Founder of The Urban Individualists
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When K says "Peace Out" - he means it. Direct and striking poems. The illustrations seem to be drawings of sort- but are strangely moving. ~ Dave Eberhardt, Peace Activist Poet
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"Keith Alan Hamilton is an artist and a writer but he is also a visionary and a socially conscious activist. ~ Regina Walker ~ Author of Through My Eyes
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This book of poems is poet Keith Alan Hamilton's homage to the human race and world healing and peace. ~ Madeline Sharples, Author of Leaving the Hall Light On
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Keith Alan Hamilton is a peace loving warrior for humanity. Some of his poems may make you sit up and rethink our views on the ugliness hidden in the shadows of humanity. ~ Janet P. Caldwell, Poet, Author and Friend
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Knowing Keith Alan Hamilton is a gift for me and once you get to know him by way of his poetry, you quickly come to understand that he is a gift for us all. ~ William S. Peters, Sr., Author, Poet, Activist, Publisher and Friend

Congratulations to
Brother Keith Alan Hamilton
in his participation and completion of The Richmond Marathon.
Keith is a Poet / Activist and owner of The Hamilton Gallery. He employs his voice through his works, his books and his poetry to effectuate change.
See more about Keith and his works, his vision at :
Read more about the Virginia Marathon :
Keith’s Books
Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die !
Peace Out Poems for Jason
See Below

~Keith Alan Hamilton~
This book is dedicated to my son Jason, who is not only my muse, but my hero and teacher for his courageous day to day struggle with the aftereffect caused from Hydrocephalus. He is the inspiration behind my book series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die !
Now Available

$ 24.95
the struggle
Tired I am
trying to be all I can be
Struggle and fight the odds
I’ll show them
Yeah right
sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it all
Beyond my delusions
who really cares what I do
All seem busy just living their lives each day
Never noticing my efforts
my cause, my vision
Damn it all
I say to my pathetic self
Think about it
who really listens to your bitching ways
up to me to live proactively and to bring change
I must cherish the moment and live fully
Appreciate life’s struggle
therein lies the key
Not the end that really matters
but it’s all in the journey
“When it comes to that journey called life, fully enjoy the dance before the music comes to an end.”
peace out
This poem also dedicated to muse KAP.
about the A uthor
~Keith Alan Hamilton~ is a poet/writer, Smartphone photographer and is the online publisher/editor of three blogs which includes the Keith Alan Hamilton.com Blog, the NatureIQ.com Blog and The Hamilton Gallery ~ Online.com Blog,.
Keith has been developing his spiritual philosophy, style of writing (poetry, prose, sayings, etc.) and photography for many years. The artistry of his words and photos are rooted within the nurturing arms of his Polish/German mother. Keith says his mother’s willpower and loving temperament is the spirit flowing in his words and photos. They are also deeply influenced with the character of his Scot grandfather, who was a master storyteller and could hold his audience spellbound for hours on end. Keith’s words and photos not only reveal the cultural flavor representative of his heritage but also the area in the USA where he was born. He grew up in a small place called Freeland, Michigan.
If Keith was asked to describe his style, he would say it embodies the everyday spirit of a Norman Rockwell illustration, a sort of raw Mark Twain individuality and the perfectionist mannerism captured in an Ansel Adams photo. Keith hopes his everyday style, that unique flavor tasted within the emergence of his words and photos, will appeal to a broad spectrum of people around the world..
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03 Summer's End.mp3